ody Mind Yoga Cards are unique, beautiful,
and functional aids to home practice. The cards help
students explore the ancient wisdom of yoga through
visualization, inspiration, and safe flows into and out
of a basic set of yoga asanas. This practice helps keep
students’ passion for yoga alive between classes.
You can read more about the Body Mind Yoga Cards
using the links on the left. Yoga Cards can be purchased
for $9.95 per set, online with PayPal.
Virabhadrasana II
Yoga Card
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What is Included in a Set of Body Mind Yoga Cards?
Each of the 25 cards addresses three aspects of yoga:
- A graphic illustration of how to physically perform each asana
- A description of how to approach the flow of the pose
with equanimity
- An inspirational cover to open the door to the spiritual
aspect of the yoga asanas, four aspects of yoga
- A way to learn the Sanskrit names of the poses.
Virabhadrasana II
Yoga Card
Front |
25 Poses The Body
Mind Yoga Cards includes instructions for the following
poses (asanas):
1. Three-part breath 2.
Shoulder roll 3. Supine one-legged stretch 4.
Bound angle 5. Mountain 6. Sun salute 7. Tree
8. Wide-Legged forward bend 9. Warrior II 10.
Triangle 11. Extended side-angle 12. Intense
forward bend 13. Warrior I 14. King dancer 15.
Shoulder stand 16. Downward-facing dog 17. Cobra
18. Locust 19. Bridge 20. Pose of the child 21.
Boat 22. Head-to-knee pose 23. Sage twist 24.
Passive shoulder stand 25. Corpse pose